Recommendations based on The Psychology of Selling: Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possibleby Brian Tracy

* statistically, based on millions of data-points provided by fellow humans

  1. Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time

    by Brian Tracy
    Practical strategies for tackling procrastination and improving time management skills.

    The legendary, Eat That Frog!, (more than 450,000 copies sold and translated into 23 languages) provides the 21 most effective methods for conquering procrastination and accomplishing more. This new ... (Goodreads)

  2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

    by Robert T. Kiyosaki
    A financial literacy guide that explores the power of financial education and investment.

    Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads — his real father and the father of his best friend, his "rich dad" — and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money ... (Goodreads)

  3. Think and Grow Rich

    by Napoleon Hill
    A step-by-step guide to personal success and wealth creation.

    This is the original 1937 version of Napoleon Hill's Classic Book: Think and Grow Rich . To the greatest extent possible, the text and formatting have been kept exactly the same as in the original ... (Goodreads)

  4. Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable

    by Seth Godin
    A guide to standing out and becoming remarkable in the modern business world.

    The acclaimed Wall Street Journal and Business Week Bestseller. You're either a Purple Cow or you're not. You're either remarkable or invisible. Make your choice. What do Starbucks and JetBlue and ... (Goodreads)

  5. The Greatest Salesman in the World

    by Og Mandino
    A parable of success and fulfillment through self-discipline and faith.

    The Greatest Salesman in the World is a book that serves as a guide to a philosophy of salesmanship, and success, telling the story of Hafid, a poor camel boy who achieves a life of abundance. If ... (Goodreads)

  6. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

    by Charles Duhigg
    Uncovering the science of habit formation and how to use it to achieve success.

    A young woman walks into a laboratory. Over the past two years, she has transformed almost every aspect of her life. She has quit smoking, run a marathon, and been promoted at work. The patterns ... (Goodreads)

  7. The Richest Man in Babylon

    by George S. Clason
    A collection of parables about financial wisdom and the power of wealth.

    Beloved by millions, this timeless classic holds the key to all you desire and everything you wish to accomplish. This is the book that reveals the secret to personal wealth. The Success Secrets of ... (Goodreads)

  8. Law of Success

    by Napoleon Hill
    A comprehensive guide to achieving success in life and business, based on interviews with successful people and Hill's own experiences.

    Teaching, for the First Time in the History of the World, the True Philosophy upon which all Personal Success is Built.,“You Can Do It if You Believe You Can!”,THIS is a course on the fundamentals of ... (Goodreads)

  9. No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline

    by Brian Tracy
    An exploration of the power of self-discipline, and how it can help you achieve your goals.

    Most people think success comes from good luck or enormous talent, but many successful people achieve their accomplishments in a simpler way: through self-discipline. No Excuses! shows you how you ... (Barnes & Noble)

  10. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

    by Robert B. Cialdini
    An analysis of the psychology of persuasion and how to use it to influence people.

    Influence, the classic book on persuasion, explains the psychology of why people say "yes"—and how to apply these understandings. Dr. Robert Cialdini is the seminal expert in the rapidly expanding ... (Goodreads)

  11. The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It

    by Michael E. Gerber
    A guide to harnessing the power of entrepreneurial thinking to create a thriving small business.

    E-Myth \ 'e-,'mith\ n 1: the entrepreneurial myth: the myth that most people who start small businesses are entrepreneurs 2: the fatal assumption that an individual who understands the technical work ... (Goodreads)

  12. Principles: Life and Work

    by Ray Dalio
    A practical guide to achieving success through self-awareness and understanding of life principles.

    Ray Dalio, one of the world’s most successful investors and entrepreneurs, shares the unconventional principles that he’s developed, refined, and used over the past forty years to create unique ... (Goodreads)

  13. Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

    by John Gray
    A look at the different ways men and women communicate and interact.

    Once upon a time Martians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships together because they respected and accepted their differences. Then they came to Earth and amnesia set in: they ... (Goodreads)

  14. Psycho-Cybernetics, A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life

    by Maxwell Maltz
    A guide to improving self-image and achieving goals by learning how to use the mind as a powerful tool.

    Positive wisdom and helpful insights on how to be a successful person,Happiness and success are habits. So are failure and misery. But negative habits can be changed–and, Psycho-Cybernetics, shows ... (Goodreads)

  15. Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time

    by Keith Ferrazzi
    Guide to building successful relationships through networking, collaboration, and mentorship.

    Do you want to get ahead in life? Climb the ladder to personal success? The secret, master networker Keith Ferrazzi claims, is in reaching out to other people. As Ferrazzi discovered early in life, ... (Goodreads)

  16. Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy and the New Science of Desire

    by Martin Lindstrom
    A study of the science behind consumer behavior and the subconscious factors that influence our purchasing decisions.

    How much do we know about why we buy? What truly influences our decisions in today’s message-cluttered world? An eye-grabbing advertisement, a catchy slogan, an infectious jingle? Or do our buying ... (Goodreads)

  17. Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

    by Peter Thiel
    A guide to launching a startup, exploring the power of entrepreneurship.

    If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One, ... (Goodreads)

  18. The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime!

    by M.J. DeMarco
    A step-by-step guide to becoming a millionaire, exploring the secrets of wealth creation and financial freedom.


  19. Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind: How to Be Seen and Heard in the Overcrowded Marketplace

    by Al Ries
    A guide to using marketing strategies to stand out in today's competitive marketplace.

    The first book to deal with the problems of communicating to a skeptical, media-blitzed public, Positioning describes a revolutionary approach to creating a "position" in a prospective customer's ... (Goodreads)

  20. See You at the Top

    by Zig Ziglar
    A motivational book that teaches how to set and achieve goals, overcome obstacles, and live a successful life with integrity.

    The 25th anniversary edition of the classic motivational and self-improvement book that has sold more than 1.6 million copies in hardcover. For more than three decades, Zig Ziglar, one of the great ... (Goodreads)

  21. The 4-Hour Workweek

    by Timothy Ferriss
    A guide to creating a lifestyle of financial and personal freedom by optimizing work and lifestyle.

    What do you do? Tim Ferriss has trouble answering the question. Depending on when you ask this controversial Princeton University guest lecturer, he might answer: "I race motorcycles in Europe." "I ... (Goodreads)

  22. The Secret

    by Rhonda Byrne
    A journey of self-empowerment, unlocking the power of positive thinking.

    Alternate cover edition of, ISBN 9781582701707,. The worldwide bestselling phenomenon that has helped millions tap the power of the law that governs all our lives to create—intentionally and ... (Goodreads)

  23. Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future

    by Ashlee Vance
    A revealing look into the life and accomplishments of tech innovator Elon Musk.

    Elon Musk, the entrepreneur and innovator behind SpaceX, Tesla, and SolarCity, sold one of his internet companies, PayPal, for $1.5 billion. Ashlee Vance captures the full spectacle and arc of the ... (Goodreads)

  24. Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping

    by Paco Underhill
    An exploration of consumer behavior, uncovering the psychology behind shopping decisions.

    Is there a method to our madness when it comes to shopping? Hailed by the San Francisco Chronicle as "a Sherlock Holmes for retailers," author and research company CEO Paco Underhill answers with a ... (Goodreads)

  25. The 10x Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

    by Grant Cardone
    An inspirational guide to achieving success, through a commitment to massive action.

    Achieve "Massive Action" results and accomplish your business dreams! While most people operate with only three degrees of action-no action, retreat, or normal action-if you're after big goals, you ... (Goodreads)

  26. Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

    by Brian Tracy
    Strategies for setting and achieving goals, to help you reach your highest potential.

    Based on more than 20 years of experience and 40 years of research, this book presents a practical, proven strategy for creating and meeting goals that has been used by more than 1 million people to ... (Goodreads)

  27. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't

    by James C. Collins
    A guide to building a successful company, examining the practices and values of leading organizations.

    To find the keys to greatness, Collins's 21-person research team read and coded 6,000 articles, generated more than 2,000 pages of interview transcripts and created 384 megabytes of computer data in ... (Goodreads)

  28. Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery

    by Garr Reynolds
    Guide to creating effective and engaging presentations through engaging visuals and storytelling.

    Garr Reynolds, author of the best-selling book on presentation design and delivery, is back with this newly revised edition of this classic book, Presentation Zen . Showing us there is a better way ... (Barnes & Noble)

  29. To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others

    by Daniel H. Pink
    A comprehensive look at the art of selling, exploring the ways in which we move others to action.

    From the bestselling author of Drive and A Whole New Mind comes a surprising–and surprisingly useful--new book that explores the power of selling in our lives. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor ... (Goodreads)

  30. The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon

    by Brad Stone
    The story of Amazon and its founder Jeff Bezos, from its humble beginnings to becoming one of the world's largest companies.

    The definitive story of, one of the most successful companies in the world, and of its driven, brilliant founder, Jeff Bezos. started off delivering books through the mail. But ... (Goodreads)